You are with your friend

You are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friend
You are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friend
You are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friend
You are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friend
You are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friendYou are with your friend